Herbalife Side Effects
you or someone you know has been taking one of Herbalife’s broad range
of products, or a combination of supplements, and has noticed a decline
in health due to Herblife side effects, it is possible that they have
been exposed to an unsafe product. If you’re showing Herbalife side
effects and symptoms of: Toxic hepatitis, liver damage, primary pulmonary hypertension, hepatocellular carcinoma or lead poisoning you should speak with an attorney as soon as possible. You may have a Herbalife lawsuit
and you could be in tilted to damages. The side effects of these
diseases are listed below. In a lawsuit filed against Herbalife the
plaintiff complains of Herbalife side effects including, serious liver
problems and many other complications outlined below.
21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as 21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program as a supplement for daily use over a 21-day period to “jumpstart” healthy digestion by providing healthy antioxidants, fruit roughage, and herbs. Plaintiff ingested 21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program daily for a 21-day period once each year according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Activated Fiber. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Activated Fiber as a dietary fibersupplement to be used as part of a weight loss program to help create a sense of fullness and lower overall fat absorption.
Advanced St. John’s Wort. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Advanced St. John’s Wort as a supplement providing St. John’s Wort and other herbs to naturally enhance mood, promote mental health, increase energy, and promote well-being.
Aminogen. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Aminogen as a supplement providing amino acids to assist in the digestion and assimilation of protein, and reduce bloating from a protein-rich diet. Plaintiff ingested Aminogen daily according to the instructions on the product label from approximately 1999 until 2004. Aminogen was also an ingredient in A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects’s Formula One protein drink, which 7 Plaintiff consumed daily.
Cell-U-Loss. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Cell-U-Loss as a supplement supporting the healthy appearance of skin and healthy detoxification through elimination of water, and helping maintain a healthy electrolyte and pH balance in the body. Plaintiff ingested Cell-U-Loss daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subj ect period.
Formula Two Multivitamin. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Formula Two as a multivitamin providing vitamins, minerals, and herbs to support healthy weight management and overall good health and vitality. Plaintiff ingested Formula Two daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Herbal Aloe. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Herbal Aloe as a drink mix for relieving indigestion, improving nutrient absorption, enhancing intestinal health, and supporting the immune system. Plaintiff ingested Herbal Aloe occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period. Herbal Throat Spray. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Herbal Throat Spray as a biend of herbs to ease throat irritation or hoarseness. Plaintiff ingested Herbal Throat Spray occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Herbalife Iiue. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Herbalifeline as a supplement providing Omega·3 fatty acids and other herbs to improve cardiovascular and joint health and maintain cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Plaintiff ingested Herbalifeline daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Joint Support. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Joint Support as a supplement providing glucosamine and other herbs and nutrients to relieve joint pain resulting from arthritis, wear and tear, or other injury. Plaintiff ingested Joint Support occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
K8. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as K8 as a supplement containing the kava kava herb to reduce stress and facilitate relaxation. Plaintiff ingested K8 occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Male Factor. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Male Factor as a supplement to increase stamina, vitality, and muscle strength for men. Plaintiff ingested Male Factor occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Mega Garlic. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Mega Garlic as a supplement containing garlic and complementary herbs and vegetable extracts to increase cardiovascular and general health. Plaintiff ingested Mega Garlic occasionally accordihg to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
N-R-G. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as N-R-G as a natural pick-me-up to boost energy and mental alertness. Plaintiff ingested N-R-G daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Ocular Defense Formula. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Ocular Defense Formula as a supplement containing herbs and nutrients to improve visual acuity and eye health. Plaintiff ingested Ocular Defense Formula occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Personalized Protein Powder. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Personalized Protein Powder as a whey and soy protein supplement to assist in building muscle mass. and fighting hunger. Plaintiff ingested Personalized Protein Powder occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Relax Now. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Relax Now as a supplement containing herbs and botanicals to promote a feeling of relaxation and well-being. Plaintiff ingested Relax Now occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Schizandra Plus. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Schizandra Plus as a supplement containing a blend of herbs and vitamins that would fight free radicals and support immune and cellular health. Plaintiff ingested Schizandra Plus daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Sleep Now. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Sleep Now as a supplement containing herbs to improve sleep quality without resulting grogginess. Plaintiff ingested Sleep Now occasionally as instructed on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Super Echinacea. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Super Echinacea as a supplement containing Echinacea and other herbs to improve immune function. Plaintiff ingested Super Echinacea occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Tang Kuei Plus. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Tang Kuei Plus as a supplement to relax and soothe muscles to assist in stress management and to reduce aches and pains. Plaintiff ingested Tang Kuei Plus occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Thermo-Bond. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermo-Bond a supplement that would support a weight-loss program by promoting a feeling of being full. Plaintiff ingested Thermo-Bond daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Thermojetics Beige. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Beige as a supplement containing an aquaretic herbal blend that would reduce fluid retention and promote good digestion and energy as part of a weight-loss program. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Beige daily according to the instructions on the product label beginning in approximately 1994 until A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects discontinued Thermojetics Beige late in the subject period.
Thermojetics Energy Bars. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Energy Bars as supplements providing protein, vitamins, and nutrients to boost energy, build muscle mass, and assist with weight loss and management. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Energy Bars occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Thermojetics Gold. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Gold as a supplement to assist with weight loss as part of a high-protein, low-carbohydrate weight loss program. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Gold daily according to the instructions on the product label after A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects introduced it as a replacement for Thermojetics Beige and Thermojetics Green.
Thermojetics Green. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Green as a supplement to assist with weight loss, promote thermogenesis, and control appetite while producing an energy boost. The original formulation contained ephedra, but was replaced with an ephedra-free formulation after multiple highly-publicized deaths occurred as a result of use of ephedra. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Green daily according to the instructions on the product label beginning with the ephedra version in approximately 1994, and switching to the ephedra-fee version when A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects changed its product line, until A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects discontinued Thermojetics Green altogether late in the subject time period.
Thermojetics Tea. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Tea as a mix for producing an instant tea to raise metabolic rate while suppressing hunger. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Tea daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Thermojetics Yellow. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Yellow as a supplement providing chromium picolinate and garcinia cambogia to help regulate blood sugar and control food cravings. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Yellow daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Total Control. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Total Control as a supplement to assist with weight loss by helping to bum fat, block cravings, and boost energy. Plaintiff ingested Total Control occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Ultimate Prostate Formula. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Ultimate Prostate Formula as a supplement containing herbs and nutrients to improve urinary and prostrate health. Plaintiff ingested Ultimate Prostate Formula occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Xtra Cal. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Xtra Cal as a supplement containing calcium and other nutrients to improve bone and tooth strength. Plaintiff ingested Xtra Cal occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the
subject time period.
Zinc and Echinacea Throat Lozenges. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Zinc and Echinacea Throat Lozenges as a sore throat remedy that improved throat health and the immune system. Plaintiff ingested Zinc and Echinacea Throat Lozenges occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Like many other liver diseases there is an established link to Herbalife supplements. Correctly or not, doctors around the world hold the Herbalife company responsible for certain cases of HCC. While the toxins in these products do not directly cause the cancer many doctors are confident that the regular use of Herbalife’s unsafe dietary, nutritional, and skin care products can lead to any number of primary liver diseases. For example, if toxins in the Herbalife supplements cause non-alcoholic steatohepatits that eventually develops into hepatocellular carcinoma then it is not a very big leap to say Herbalife should be held accountable if what the lawsuit states is correct.
Fatty Liver- Fatty liver disease is most simply defined by its name. It is literally a build up of fat in the liver that is unhealthy but not considered overwhelmingly serious.
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis- Commonly referred to as NASH, this disease starts with a build up of fat in the liver, progresses to inflammation and can ultimately lead to irreversible liver damage. In the most severe cases, NASH can lead to cirrhosis and permanently damage the liver’s functionality.
Toxic Hepatitis- Toxic Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver as a result of an exposure to a toxic substance. Notable causes of the disease are alcohol, chemicals, drugs, or supplements (such as Herbalife products)
Cirrhosis- An advanced disease in which the liver is damaged permanently and no longer able to work
Hepatocellular Carcinoma- Abbreviated as HCC, is a primary cancer of the liver, most commonly caused by one of the above diseases going untreated.
Jaundice: Can be a common sign of liver problems is Jaundice, unfortunately is is a possible herbalife side effect. Jaundice is the main symptom of Liver disease. It is known that the persistence of jaundice indicates that there is something very wrong with your gall bladder or liver. A clear symptom of jaundice is, the color of your skin turns into pale yellow or orange. Even the white part of your eye can turn yellow.
Yang Jaundice — Thirst, Palpitations, constipation, urinary problem, abdominal distention as well as yellowing of tongue are the major symptoms of whole body jaundice in which the body color changes to somewhat like fresh tangerine color. According to the oriental medicine, this type of jaundice happens from excessive damp and moist heat.
Yin Jaundice — Your face, skin and eyes all turn yellow. Severe fever, nausea, poor appetite, lassitude, fatigue, abdominal distention, chest repression, loose stools, hypochondriac pain, cold hands and feet, palpitation, edema and breaking breath are all very common symptoms of Yin Jaundice.
Digestion & Appetite: A very common symptom of liver disease is drop in appetite that will eventually turn into weight loss. Then the situation can be worsened by incorrect metabolism of the carbohydrate, proteins and fat in the body. As the lawsuit states, if people continue to take herbalife the situation can become aggravated into Anemia with hepatocytes. This side effect can be vomiting, diarrhea and nausea this can hurt your body and cause you to be tired. Blood is known to come in vomit, this can be created by a gastric ulcer in your body.
Bloating & Distention: The abdominal part beneath the lower ribs on the right side may become distended because of the hepatomegaly or ascites. However, if the distention turns very severe then the breathing of the person might become more painful as there is pressure on the diaphragm.
If you have been taking a herbal supplement and are showing symptoms of health problems you should contact your doctor immediately. For example, the sudden appearance of abdominal fluid and swelling, jaundice yellow color of the skin, or muscle weakening. If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately.
Below is a list of common symptoms of liver problems.
Mild forms of toxic hepatitis may not cause any symptoms and may be detected only by blood tests. When signs and symptoms of toxic hepatitis occur, they may include:
The most dangerous aspect of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is its, lets say, discreet attack on the liver. Most people with NASH feel well, and are symptom free, until the disease has progressed and caused long term damage to the liver. The most common symptoms of NASH are:
If you have a Herbalife lawsuit, due to Herblife side effects
please do not hesitate to call or log on to our website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Herbalife Side Effects Stated In a Lawsuit
- Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis or NASH
- Lead Poising
- Liver Disease
- Liver Cancer
- Death
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
- Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
- Toxic Hepatitis
Herbalife Side Effects: Herbalife Products
A lawsuit was filed over herbalife side effects. The lawsuit states that Herbalife products below states information and products that were mentioned in the Herbalife side effects lawsuit.21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as 21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program as a supplement for daily use over a 21-day period to “jumpstart” healthy digestion by providing healthy antioxidants, fruit roughage, and herbs. Plaintiff ingested 21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program daily for a 21-day period once each year according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Activated Fiber. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Activated Fiber as a dietary fibersupplement to be used as part of a weight loss program to help create a sense of fullness and lower overall fat absorption.
Advanced St. John’s Wort. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Advanced St. John’s Wort as a supplement providing St. John’s Wort and other herbs to naturally enhance mood, promote mental health, increase energy, and promote well-being.
Aminogen. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Aminogen as a supplement providing amino acids to assist in the digestion and assimilation of protein, and reduce bloating from a protein-rich diet. Plaintiff ingested Aminogen daily according to the instructions on the product label from approximately 1999 until 2004. Aminogen was also an ingredient in A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects’s Formula One protein drink, which 7 Plaintiff consumed daily.
Cell-U-Loss. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Cell-U-Loss as a supplement supporting the healthy appearance of skin and healthy detoxification through elimination of water, and helping maintain a healthy electrolyte and pH balance in the body. Plaintiff ingested Cell-U-Loss daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subj ect period.
Formula Two Multivitamin. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Formula Two as a multivitamin providing vitamins, minerals, and herbs to support healthy weight management and overall good health and vitality. Plaintiff ingested Formula Two daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Herbal Aloe. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Herbal Aloe as a drink mix for relieving indigestion, improving nutrient absorption, enhancing intestinal health, and supporting the immune system. Plaintiff ingested Herbal Aloe occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period. Herbal Throat Spray. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Herbal Throat Spray as a biend of herbs to ease throat irritation or hoarseness. Plaintiff ingested Herbal Throat Spray occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Herbalife Iiue. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Herbalifeline as a supplement providing Omega·3 fatty acids and other herbs to improve cardiovascular and joint health and maintain cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Plaintiff ingested Herbalifeline daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Joint Support. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Joint Support as a supplement providing glucosamine and other herbs and nutrients to relieve joint pain resulting from arthritis, wear and tear, or other injury. Plaintiff ingested Joint Support occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
K8. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as K8 as a supplement containing the kava kava herb to reduce stress and facilitate relaxation. Plaintiff ingested K8 occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Male Factor. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Male Factor as a supplement to increase stamina, vitality, and muscle strength for men. Plaintiff ingested Male Factor occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Mega Garlic. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Mega Garlic as a supplement containing garlic and complementary herbs and vegetable extracts to increase cardiovascular and general health. Plaintiff ingested Mega Garlic occasionally accordihg to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
N-R-G. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as N-R-G as a natural pick-me-up to boost energy and mental alertness. Plaintiff ingested N-R-G daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Ocular Defense Formula. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Ocular Defense Formula as a supplement containing herbs and nutrients to improve visual acuity and eye health. Plaintiff ingested Ocular Defense Formula occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Personalized Protein Powder. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Personalized Protein Powder as a whey and soy protein supplement to assist in building muscle mass. and fighting hunger. Plaintiff ingested Personalized Protein Powder occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Relax Now. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Relax Now as a supplement containing herbs and botanicals to promote a feeling of relaxation and well-being. Plaintiff ingested Relax Now occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Schizandra Plus. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Schizandra Plus as a supplement containing a blend of herbs and vitamins that would fight free radicals and support immune and cellular health. Plaintiff ingested Schizandra Plus daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Sleep Now. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Sleep Now as a supplement containing herbs to improve sleep quality without resulting grogginess. Plaintiff ingested Sleep Now occasionally as instructed on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Super Echinacea. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Super Echinacea as a supplement containing Echinacea and other herbs to improve immune function. Plaintiff ingested Super Echinacea occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Tang Kuei Plus. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Tang Kuei Plus as a supplement to relax and soothe muscles to assist in stress management and to reduce aches and pains. Plaintiff ingested Tang Kuei Plus occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Thermo-Bond. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermo-Bond a supplement that would support a weight-loss program by promoting a feeling of being full. Plaintiff ingested Thermo-Bond daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Thermojetics Beige. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Beige as a supplement containing an aquaretic herbal blend that would reduce fluid retention and promote good digestion and energy as part of a weight-loss program. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Beige daily according to the instructions on the product label beginning in approximately 1994 until A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects discontinued Thermojetics Beige late in the subject period.
Thermojetics Energy Bars. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Energy Bars as supplements providing protein, vitamins, and nutrients to boost energy, build muscle mass, and assist with weight loss and management. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Energy Bars occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject period.
Thermojetics Gold. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Gold as a supplement to assist with weight loss as part of a high-protein, low-carbohydrate weight loss program. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Gold daily according to the instructions on the product label after A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects introduced it as a replacement for Thermojetics Beige and Thermojetics Green.
Thermojetics Green. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Green as a supplement to assist with weight loss, promote thermogenesis, and control appetite while producing an energy boost. The original formulation contained ephedra, but was replaced with an ephedra-free formulation after multiple highly-publicized deaths occurred as a result of use of ephedra. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Green daily according to the instructions on the product label beginning with the ephedra version in approximately 1994, and switching to the ephedra-fee version when A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects changed its product line, until A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects discontinued Thermojetics Green altogether late in the subject time period.
Thermojetics Tea. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Tea as a mix for producing an instant tea to raise metabolic rate while suppressing hunger. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Tea daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Thermojetics Yellow. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Thermojetics Yellow as a supplement providing chromium picolinate and garcinia cambogia to help regulate blood sugar and control food cravings. Plaintiff ingested Thermojetics Yellow daily according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Total Control. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Total Control as a supplement to assist with weight loss by helping to bum fat, block cravings, and boost energy. Plaintiff ingested Total Control occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Ultimate Prostate Formula. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Ultimate Prostate Formula as a supplement containing herbs and nutrients to improve urinary and prostrate health. Plaintiff ingested Ultimate Prostate Formula occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Xtra Cal. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Xtra Cal as a supplement containing calcium and other nutrients to improve bone and tooth strength. Plaintiff ingested Xtra Cal occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the
subject time period.
Zinc and Echinacea Throat Lozenges. A lawsuit states this Herbalife product may have side effects marketed as Zinc and Echinacea Throat Lozenges as a sore throat remedy that improved throat health and the immune system. Plaintiff ingested Zinc and Echinacea Throat Lozenges occasionally according to the instructions on the product label throughout the subject time period.
Herbalife Side Effects: Herbalife Liver Cancer
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is primary liver cancer. The disease is usually secondary to some preliminary and often untreated liver disease such as toxic hepatitis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Due to the dormant nature of these less serious liver ailments they are often unrecognized until they have attacked your liver and progressed into HCC. hepatocellular carcinoma is one of, if not the, most developed and serious liver diseases. More often than not it cannot be treated and eventually leads to complete liver failure. In these cases the only way to survive HCC is with a liver transplant.Like many other liver diseases there is an established link to Herbalife supplements. Correctly or not, doctors around the world hold the Herbalife company responsible for certain cases of HCC. While the toxins in these products do not directly cause the cancer many doctors are confident that the regular use of Herbalife’s unsafe dietary, nutritional, and skin care products can lead to any number of primary liver diseases. For example, if toxins in the Herbalife supplements cause non-alcoholic steatohepatits that eventually develops into hepatocellular carcinoma then it is not a very big leap to say Herbalife should be held accountable if what the lawsuit states is correct.
Herbalife Side Effects: Herbalife Liver Disease
An alarming number of long time and habitual Herbalife supplement users have, at some point, discovered some sort of liver damage. In some cases it is mild and curable, but in others it is severe and can even turn into potentially fatal diseases. Below is a list and brief explanation of certain types of liver damage and disease that some have blamed on Herbalife products:Fatty Liver- Fatty liver disease is most simply defined by its name. It is literally a build up of fat in the liver that is unhealthy but not considered overwhelmingly serious.
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis- Commonly referred to as NASH, this disease starts with a build up of fat in the liver, progresses to inflammation and can ultimately lead to irreversible liver damage. In the most severe cases, NASH can lead to cirrhosis and permanently damage the liver’s functionality.
Toxic Hepatitis- Toxic Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver as a result of an exposure to a toxic substance. Notable causes of the disease are alcohol, chemicals, drugs, or supplements (such as Herbalife products)
Cirrhosis- An advanced disease in which the liver is damaged permanently and no longer able to work
Hepatocellular Carcinoma- Abbreviated as HCC, is a primary cancer of the liver, most commonly caused by one of the above diseases going untreated.
Jaundice: Can be a common sign of liver problems is Jaundice, unfortunately is is a possible herbalife side effect. Jaundice is the main symptom of Liver disease. It is known that the persistence of jaundice indicates that there is something very wrong with your gall bladder or liver. A clear symptom of jaundice is, the color of your skin turns into pale yellow or orange. Even the white part of your eye can turn yellow.
Yang Jaundice — Thirst, Palpitations, constipation, urinary problem, abdominal distention as well as yellowing of tongue are the major symptoms of whole body jaundice in which the body color changes to somewhat like fresh tangerine color. According to the oriental medicine, this type of jaundice happens from excessive damp and moist heat.
Yin Jaundice — Your face, skin and eyes all turn yellow. Severe fever, nausea, poor appetite, lassitude, fatigue, abdominal distention, chest repression, loose stools, hypochondriac pain, cold hands and feet, palpitation, edema and breaking breath are all very common symptoms of Yin Jaundice.
Digestion & Appetite: A very common symptom of liver disease is drop in appetite that will eventually turn into weight loss. Then the situation can be worsened by incorrect metabolism of the carbohydrate, proteins and fat in the body. As the lawsuit states, if people continue to take herbalife the situation can become aggravated into Anemia with hepatocytes. This side effect can be vomiting, diarrhea and nausea this can hurt your body and cause you to be tired. Blood is known to come in vomit, this can be created by a gastric ulcer in your body.
Bloating & Distention: The abdominal part beneath the lower ribs on the right side may become distended because of the hepatomegaly or ascites. However, if the distention turns very severe then the breathing of the person might become more painful as there is pressure on the diaphragm.
Polydypsia & Polyuria: This is excessive thirst and excessive and frequent urination, respectively. Although, these are common symptoms of many different types of diseases but in many liver diseases frequent drinking and urination is common.
- Bloating is the feeling you get when your abdominal region is larger.
- Distention is the actual “physical” finding that your abdominal area is larger than normal.
If you have been taking a herbal supplement and are showing symptoms of health problems you should contact your doctor immediately. For example, the sudden appearance of abdominal fluid and swelling, jaundice yellow color of the skin, or muscle weakening. If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately.
Below is a list of common symptoms of liver problems.
- Abdominal pain in the upper right part of the stomach
- Allergy
- Ascites: Swelling of the lower stomach area
- Bruising easily
- Darkened urine
- Depression
- Diarrhea
- Encephalopathy: Periods of confusion or poor memory
- Fatigue
- Feeling of Dizziness
- Hair loss
- Headache
- Hematemesis: Vomiting blood
- Hypochondriac pain
- Hypoglycemia low grade fever
- Jaundice: Yellowness of the eyes and skin
- Light-colored stools
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of flexibility of tendons and ligaments
- Loss of sex drive
- Malaise: Vague feeling of illness
- Melena: Dark black, tarry, faeces
- Mood Swings
- Muscle aches and pains
- Nausea
- Problem of skin
- Pruritus: Itching skin
- Redness and itchiness of eyes
- Sexual side effects
- Short temperedness and constant irritation
- Strange Urine
- Stroke
- Sudden Seizures
- Tension and pain in the back
- Ticks, Spasms and Tremors
- Tinnitus
- Unusual weight loss or weight gain
- Varicose veins
- Vomiting
Herbalife Side Effects: Herbalife Toxic Hepatitis
A Herbalife lawsuit states that the plaintiff suffered from a Herbalife side effect: Toxic hepatitis which is a inflammation of your liver in reaction to certain chemicals when someone is overexposed. Toxic hepatitis can be caused by alcohol, chemicals, drugs or supplements. In some cases, toxic hepatitis develops within hours or days of exposure to a toxin. In other cases, it may take months of regular use before signs and symptoms of toxic hepatitis appear. The symptoms of toxic hepatitis often go away when exposure to the toxin stops. Toxic hepatitis can permanently damage your liver, leading to irreversible scarring of liver tissue (cirrhosis) and in some cases to liver failure.Mild forms of toxic hepatitis may not cause any symptoms and may be detected only by blood tests. When signs and symptoms of toxic hepatitis occur, they may include:
- Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice)
- Itching
- Abdominal pain in the upper right portion of the abdomen
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
- Rash
- Weight loss
- Dark or tea-colored urine
- Sweating
- Nausea and vomiting
- Upper abdominal pain
- Coma
Herbalife Side Effects: Herbalife Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis or NASH
One concern is the potential connection between Herbalife supplements and a liver disease called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH is a common, often “silent” liver disease. Medically, the disease is quite similar to alcoholic liver disease but occurs in people who drink little to no alcohol. The disease starts with a build up of fat in the liver, progresses to inflammation and can ultimately lead to irreversible liver damage. In the most severe cases, NASH can lead to cirrhosis and permanently damage the liver’s functionality.The most dangerous aspect of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is its, lets say, discreet attack on the liver. Most people with NASH feel well, and are symptom free, until the disease has progressed and caused long term damage to the liver. The most common symptoms of NASH are:
- Cirrhosis
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Weakness
Herbalife Side Effects Lawyer
RepresentYou.com is here to help if your are experiencing herbalife side effects. Our panel member attorneys have extensive knowledge of herbalife side effects and the suspicions surrounding their products. Our panel of attorneys includes a number of lawyers willing to investigate any evidence of a connection between Herbalife supplements and serious health issues. Contact RepresentYou.com at anytime regarding a Herbalife lawsuit and receive a free consultation if you’re retained by one of our panel member attorneys, they can sign you up for a contingency fee agreement. Contingency fee means that you don’t pay unless your case reaches a settlement or a verdict in your favor No Win. NO Fee.If you have a Herbalife lawsuit, due to Herblife side effects
please do not hesitate to call or log on to our website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.